The Operation

I checked into the Nuffield , Glasgow at 8am on the 16th April.  I unpacked, got settled and it was probably about a half hour later when I started getting visitors.

My friendly blood sucker Doc, who took my bloods and fed me all the good intravenous drugs, my personal nurse for the day, there were several over my stay, but Caroline was my favoutite, and of course my surgeon Simon and the sleep and blue dye guy, my friendly and sexy anaesthetist.

I was all set to go ahead in the next hour or so. Bloods, BP, heart etc., were all great. I got into my very attractive green paper gown and remembered one or two of the girls warning me that the accompanying item was not a hat but pants. Oh I had never looked so glam. Eat yer heart out Bridget Jones!

Well all I remember was waking up feeling like sh**.  I’ll not lie I felt so nauseous. It felt like forever coming round. The worst thing about being taken early on in the day was that first day and night stretched to eternity. An never ending feeling like my guts had been spilled and I was on a really bad hangover trip.



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